Saturday, October 21, 2006

See i told you she is like he mom...takes her eating serious Posted by Picasa

the look of love Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Twilight somewhere between darkness and light
Love is that twilight somewhere between pain and joy
Torn by the the pain
Rocked by the joy
Oh twilight that sweet time
That feeling of fear
Driven to try
Oh twilight that sweet feeling
We have no choice in twilight

Sam E Schoser

Copyright ©2006 Sam E Schoser

The Storm

Clouds loom on the horizion
Thunder clashes
Winds blows
Lonelyness takes hold
My mind goes to you
Safe in the distant land
Wondering if you think of me
Panic strikes
Fear sets in
Doubt builds like the dark clouds above
What if she doesnt think of me
What if she has forgoten the wonderful feeling we share
Then i see her face
And the fear yeilds
Like the sun returning after the storm
Piece settles in
And doubt drifts away

Sam E Schoser

Copyright ©2006 Sam E Schoser

The Battle

This battle rages
Long feared, Now faced
We struggle with our feelings
Like Mankind has throughout the ages
Trying to find the best path
To struggle through to conquer
Hoping that god gives us his Praise
But dreading his judgeful wrath
Longing for the Battles end
So we can pickup the pieces and start again

Sam E Schoser

Copyright ©2006 Sam E Schoser

My Lotus

I know so little of China
The history is old
The people are many
They have many stories
I know little of these people
There is one there I know
Gentle as the soft breeze
Scented as the flowers
Wonders of the new day
I know little of China
But this one I know
Touches me with the beauty of China
Its grace
China I wish to know you more

Sam E Schoser

Copyright ©2006 Sam E Schoser


What will you give for love
Will you give your heart
Will you give your soul
Will you give your all
I will never ask you to
I can never ask for such things
ButI freely give my love
I freely give my heart
I freely give my soul
I freely give you my all
True love is about giving
Not recieving
Never asking
Always giving
That is the love I have for you
Sam E Schoser
Copyright ©2006 Sam E Schoser

mother like daughter...they both love to eat Posted by Picasa

she looks too young to be a mother
but she is, we have a wonderful baby girl

Three weeks after giving birth

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

my lovely wife

i wanted to start this by saying how lucky i am to have such a wonderful wife, some times she is a little girl, some times she is a great temptress. when she smiles my heart my love i do love you